The safest, most effective therapies for optimal health!

by Ellen Landauer

EDTA Suppository Chelation and Coffee Enema Discussion

This EDTA Suppository Chelation and Coffee Enema discussion was initiated by a reader who is concerned about mercury toxicity. She just had a dental amalgam removal and is using EDTA Chelation Suppositories at night and coffee enema the next morning. She does this protocol every other day.

Question: "I have recently started EDTA suppository chelation for heavy metals, and am wondering if you recommend using coffee enemas at the same time? My doctor has okayed them, but I don't know how much he knows about the combination. I am also wondering how often and what timing to use in relation to the suppositories?"

Answer: "Thanks for your question about EDTA suppository chelation and coffee enema!

Detoxification protocols need to be adjusted very much to the individual. Therefore, I can't recommend a specific protocol for you. Certainly, listen to your doctor, as he knows your situation better than I do.

In my personal experience, EDTA suppository chelation and coffee enema work quite well together.

Special Blonde Roast Coffee for enema

To get the maximum liver cleansing benefits from the coffee cleanse, you may want to investigate a fabulous Gold Roast designed expressly for detoxification therapy.

I personally had done a whole course of EDTA chelation suppositories (90 days straight) before I discovered the benefits of coffee enema. Later, I was doing EDTA suppository chelation and coffee enema concurrently.

Medicardium EDTA Chelation suppositories.

Presently, I use a Medicardium EDTA Chelation suppository 2 - 3 times per week at night and coffee enemas as a siesta during the day. Now that I am very much healed, these therapies are an anti-aging protocol that keeps me extraordinarily youthful and energetic.

In general, the two are compatible.

**EDTA has a LOT more benefits than just detoxing mercury and other heavy metals. It increases nitric oxide, which supports health of the endothelium (cells lining the blood vessels), and has some anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties as well, etc.

Therefore, EDTA is beneficial even once the major burden of heavy metals has been lifted.

The coffee enemas keep the bile flowing, adding to the detox benefits - especially since mercury is eliminated through the intestinal tract rather than the kidneys.

EDTA suppository chelation and Coffee Enema are very safe and effective.

NOTE: EDTA Chelation Suppositories are best taken at bedtime at least 2 hours after dinner. This give a more optimal effect, as the detoxification process doesn't have to compete with the digestive process. The liver is more free to support the therapy.

EDTA Suppository Chelation and
Coffee Enema Oral Supplements

Both coffee enemas and EDTA suppository chelation CAN carry out some essential minerals, though not a lot. For someone who is already mineral-depleted, this could possibly cause some minor side effects.

**For this reason, in addition to the nutrient-rich Chlorella, a Multi Vitamin/Mineral AND full-spectrum Amino Acid formula (new window) is a really good idea if you are chelating and doing coffee enemas.**

I hope you find this info helpful. The main thing is to see what feels right for you and heed the messages of the body as you try new things.

I wish you the very Best of Health!"

Sincerely, Ellen



Thank you so much for your response. I am grateful to have found my doctor, who seems to be a rarity in our region. However, he is not prescribing a protocol for me beyond my custom aminos and vitamin/mineral compounds along with Detoxamin. I asked him whether I should have the remainder of my amalgams removed before beginning, and I asked whether I could use the coffee enema. He okayed both. So I am continuing to search and find out as much as I can about what I am and can do for this.

The main concern I have is keeping the metals moving and not re-situate. I have been taking broken-cell chlorella since having the amalgams removed. But I am glad to hear that I should switch the timing on those. I was just taking them after a meal. I will explore that section on your site. A friend suggested the coffee enemas, as she has the same problem I do with keeping things moving. When she chelated years ago, with oral, she was overdosed and soon reached the point where she could no longer form a sentence. Hearing that scared me into seriously considering the coffee enema, something I have long shunned. My question now is how often I should use it. I am using it every other day, the morning of the day I use the suppository. If you were now beginning chelation, how often would you use the enema?

Also, I have been looking for some practical help on how to retain that enema for 15". I am apparently a real wimp, but can barely make it 2 minutes! Any suggestions? I did read what you have online but didn't find anything to help.

Your reply is an encouragement to me that what I am doing so far is the right direction. I appreciate getting confirmation plus the further ideas.



"Hi, Sounds like you are thinking through your protocol options well. Yes, it's scary what mercury toxicity can do - hope your friend is OK now.

As far as how often to do coffee enema - I can't tell you what I would have done back then, because I just don't know. Frequency of using any of these therapies is something you need to feel out for yourself. Like Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, I just feel better doing them than not, so I do them, generally daily. Any time I don't do them, my elimination is quite normal; it's a myth that coffee enema would inactivate normal elimination.

For retaining coffee enema, 1) Colonic therapy can be a good jump-start for that - it was for me. Also for me personally, speeded my recovery from mercury poisoning. 2) Try divided doses of coffee - only putting in 1/3 of the amount and doing that 3 times. That way, you would get 6 or more minutes worth ;-) 3) Cleanse sigmoid colon with warm water beforehand, eliminate what you can. Then wait 10 - 20 min and go about your day - giving time for more eliminations before using the coffee.

To keep things moving, GLYTAMINS may be helpful:

Glytamins Detoxification Support Suppositories

Detoxification is something nearly everyone needs these days in order to live life to the fullest. With that knowledge, it is also possible to stay younger much longer (why do you think so many savvy people in the entertainment business do colonics, etc.?) - so needing to detox is great training for an anti-aging protocol ;-)

I wish you the Best of Health!"



Buy Medicardium EDTA, Xeneplex Coffee-Glutathione,
and Glytamins

Ellen Landauer is an expert with over 40 years in-depth study and experience of the safe and effective use of nutritional supplements, botanical extracts and detoxification methods.

She is Certified as an Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration body therapy developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf - also known as Rolfing. This hands-on therapy is the deepest, most comprehensive body alignment therapy. 

Ellen Landauer is also a  PUBLISHED AUTHOR!

To learn more about Ellen Landauer, see her detailed bio HERE


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Medicardium Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA Chelation Suppositories

Medicardium EDTA Chelation suppositories

EDTA is a chelator which also supports circulatory capacity and nitric oxide production. For more info,

Info on Medicardium

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