The safest, most effective therapies for optimal health!
by Ellen Landauer
The BEST Nutritional Supplements listed by category for your convenience.
You want to RUN, not walk to this one-of-a-kind supplement in the world - created by the top company for integrity, research, scientific knowledge and experience - Montiff Nutraceuticals.
PHOTO ABOVE: Montiff Thera-Set NAD and ATP which can be added to broaden and deepen the already remarkable effects of the Thera-Set.
What is REAL NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide)?
Diary of My Notable Personal Experience With First Few Doses
Customers Share their Experience With Thera-Set NAD
Best prices on the freshest, most potent nutritional supplements, kept for you under optimal conditions
until moments before they are packed for you.
Why not buy the same products (assuming you can find them) from a 'discount' site? Because you will be throwing away your money!
PHOTO ABOVE: Unparalleled excellence in purity, freshness and healing power: Montiff Amino Acids, vitamins and minerals!
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine: increases Glutathione, boosts immune function, great for skin, hair and joints!
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine: Excellent Quality is ESSENTIAL!
You may order ONLINE 24 hrs a day - OR - with Mastercard and Visa by phone.
If you need assistance in placing an order, please call
413-339-8527 (Eastern US time)
NOTE: We do not return international calls; for faster service, please use our CONTACT FORM.
Phone is for orders only!
No solicitations, PLEASE!
Fibrotic detox protocols support our body's natural process of breaking down and eliminating dead, dying and diseased tissues.
EDTA Chelation Suppository Custom Formulas: Because we won't settle for providing you with less than the most excellent products, we only carry ONE company's formulas.
The EDTA in these formulas - Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA - is optimal for most people's needs. It is custom made in small batches; you cannot find it listed with any chemical company.
**NOTE: Scroll down as needed on purchase page to get to your desired product.**
PURCHASE Medicardium, Glytamins, Xeneplex
EDTA Chelation Packages With Supportive Nutrients (US ORDERS)
Montiff Products Info and Purchase Pages
**NOTE: On Purchase Page, SCROLL DOWN to locate desired product.**
All-Basic Plus / Vita-Minz Plus combo INFO PURCHASE
Pure L-Glutathione INFO PURCHASE
Pure L-Histidine INFO PURCHASE
Super Antioxidant INFO PURCHASE
The most EFFECTIVE, pure Amino Acids, Vitamins and Minerals - Full-Spectrum and Special formulas!
Montiff Amino Acids / Vitamin/Mineral products Packages
EDTA Chelation Packages With Nutritional Support (US ORDERS)
Transdermal Hormone Support Products: Men and Women
Individual Transdermal Hormonal Support Products:
Testo-Cream for Men INFO PURCHASE
Chrysin Cream for Men and Women INFO PURCHASE
Transdermal Hormonal Support Packages
Testosterone Booster Packages for Men US ORDERS
Womens Bioidentical Hormone Creams Deluxe Packages
Testosterone Booster Packages for Women
Ultra-Pure Superfoods and Extracts - the BEST of their kind!
Tongkat Ali 100:1 Extract INFO PURCHASE
Robuvit® Oak Wood Extract INFO PURCHASE
Magnesium Chloride Concentrate INFO PURCHASE
Ellen Landauer is an expert with over 40 years in-depth study and experience of the safe and effective use of nutritional supplements, botanical extracts and detoxification methods.
She is Certified as an Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration body therapy developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf - also known as Rolfing. This hands-on therapy is the deepest, most comprehensive body alignment therapy.
Ellen Landauer is also a PUBLISHED AUTHOR!
To learn more about Ellen Landauer, see her detailed bio HERE
The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated any of the statements on this website. Products offered on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information presented on this site is provided for informational purposes only; it is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice or diagnosis provided by your physician or other medical professional. If you have any health problem, please consult with a physician or health care provider before using any natural products. Peak Health Now and/or its product suppliers assume no liability for any injury, illness or adverse affects caused by the misuse and/or use of the information or products presented on this website.
© 2008 - 2022 ™Peak Health All rights reserved.
Throughout this website, statements are made pertaining to the properties and/or functions of food and/or nutritional products. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and these materials and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. For all health and medical questions, please consult with your doctor. By viewing this site, you are stating that you agree with this disclaimer.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This line is for orders ONLY! Please determine product selection before calling.
Please use CONTACT FORM for any questions you may have about the products.
We do NOT return international calls.
Please use contact form for faster service.
No solicitations, PLEASE!
Convenient listings for INFO and PURCHASE.
NOTE: Shipping fee is added for each product you put in cart.
**If too much shipping cost shows up on your order, we ALWAYS give prompt refund so you don't overpay!**
There is a modest $5.00 handling fee.
Shipping/Handling on all suppository products is FREE.
MONTIFF Amino Acids, Vitamins/Minerals:
The freshest products from a company of rare integrity!
Full-Spectrum Packages
to support health and healing!
Relieve chronic fatigue, boost energy, enhance sports performance, support cardiovascular and detoxification!
MONTIFF Amino Acids, Vitamins/Minerals:
The freshest products from a company of rare integrity!
Full-Spectrum Packages
to support health and healing!
TOTALLY RAW - so rich in antioxidants, it needs NO preservatives!
So mild-tasting and smelling you can use it as a face oil!