The safest, most effective therapies for optimal health!

by Ellen Landauer

Best NAD Supplement

The best NAD supplement is clearly Montiff Thera-Set.

The best NAD supplement supports enjoyment of life!

As customers share their experiences, the healing benefits are as impressive for them as they have been for me.

There can be a wide range of responses to any supplement, so what I share here is simply reporting on what is happening for customers who are taking Thera-Set. This sharing in no way implies that every person will have the same experience. But thus far, it is thrilling to hear what my customers are saying.

The best NAD supplement (NOT a precursor like most products) works FAST for most of us who are taking it. As supplements go, for most people thus far, myself included, Montiff Thera-Set shows blazing speed with remarkable benefits right out of the starting gate.

This page about Montiff Thera-Set experiences is just in the beginning stages. This formula, the only one of its kind in the world, has only been available for nine months.

I am awaiting permission from a highly-trained doctor of psychology who is an addiction specialist - to post the remarkable patient case histories she has so generously provided me. From her patients' perspective, Thera-Set, best NAD supplement, has major healing effects on mood, cognitive function and cravings.

One of the most disheartening situations is how many folks with severe addictions relapse back to the old destructive habits - despite monumental efforts to find freedom. From the case histories, Thera-Set was the added ingredient that returned these people to lasting joy in life and productivity.

Best NAD Supplement:
Clarity and Joyfulness

NOTE: This best NAD supplement review is from a man who has been taking it less than a week!

best NAD supplement supports clarity and joy

Hi Ellen,

I wanted to give you a report on the effects from taking A.T.P and Thera-Set.  I have been using the products twice a day on an empty stomach, early in the morning and in mid afternoon.  I am currently taking two of each twice a day.

I have been taking these products for approximately 5 days now.  What I feel is a heightened sense of aliveness and vibrancy.  My mind seems to be more clear and lucid.  I also have noticed that I have been having beautiful dreams.  When I wake up in the morning I feel more refreshed with an overall feeling of well being.  Also, a more positive outlook on life and more joy.

I love taking the A.T.P. and Thera-Set in conjunction with the amino acids.  They are superb!  I experience a feeling of elevation of mood and a sense of well being after taking your products and Don Tyson’s aminos. They have a synergy when taken on an empty stomach and before and after workouts.

As you can see, I really like the products!

I will be a customer for life and I know now why Don Tyson believes in these products and why he told me they are fantastic.  I agree and want to take them now on a continuous basis.  I am convinced on the effectiveness of these products.


Michel Allan, Fairfax CA

Best NAD Supplement:
Wound Healing

Another customer is seeing a remarkable healing of a deep infection that had not responded to any other therapy. To accomplish this, he also is taking other Montiff products - All-Basic full-spectrum amino acids, Vita-Minz Plus, Amino Starter and B-Complete.

One of many important functions of NAD is that it helps your body assimilate and utilize Amino Acids much better. Taken in a specific protocol, this combination supports rejuvenation like no other products in my experience.

To be fair, the foundation for this man's healing was there just waiting to be built upon by the best NAD supplement, as he was already taking Montiff Amino Acids and vitamins / minerals.

This man's experience is related below. Hopefully, he will provide a review in his own words; until that time, he shall remain anonymous. I only post real names with permission, however, feel compelled to share what he told me as it is remarkable.

This man is in his 50's. Fifteen years ago, he had minor surgery to remedy a varicose vein on his leg. Unfortunately, a less-than-sterile procedure gave him a major problem; a deepening infection that kept getting worse and would not heal.

Added to that, not long ago, the wound became septic - life-threatening. The powerful antibiotics he had to take virtually destroyed his gut lining.

The infection recently got so bad that his doctors were pushing him to get his leg amputated!

Enter Montiff Amino Acids, vitamins and minerals. This helped to hold off the draconian procedure (amputation) that his doctors insisted on. Montiff Amino-Starter (for gut healing) helped him heal his digestive tract.

I got a call from the man and he ordered Thera-Set and the ATP which is a great companion product to deepen and broaden the already impressive effects of the Thera-Set.

About a month after he started taking this best NAD supplement, this man called and told me how he was doing. He said that the deep infection/wound that would not heal was being repaired!

He told me that this big hole in his leg was filling in and healing!

The gratitude, joy and amazement in his voice was thrilling to hear - this is what makes my day and makes all the work a pleasure!

Ellen Landauer is an expert with over 40 years in-depth study and experience of the safe and effective use of nutritional supplements, botanical extracts and detoxification methods.

She is Certified as an Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration body therapy developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf - also known as Rolfing. This hands-on therapy is the deepest, most comprehensive body alignment therapy. 

Ellen Landauer is also a  PUBLISHED AUTHOR!

To learn more about Ellen Landauer, see her detailed bio HERE


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NAD Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide - this is the REAL thing - not a precursor!

Profound health BENEFITS!

ATP a great companion



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