The safest, most effective therapies for optimal health!

by Ellen Landauer

Medicardium EDTA Chelation Suppositories

NEW IMPROVED FORMULA: Medicardium EDTA chelation suppositories now provide
500 mg Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA

This product, Medicardium EDTA metal detox is the best of its kind, specially formulated for health benefits that go beyond removing toxic elements from the body.

Medicardium EDTA Chelation Suppositories for optimal heavy metal detox

They are very easy and convenient to use, inserted rectally just before going to sleep at night. 

A wonderful benefit of Medicardium EDTA chelation suppositories is a deeper, more rejuvenating sleep due to the unique mineral base, which I am about to describe.

The active ingredient in other products is attached to calcium and sodium. Calcium Di Sodium EDTA is manufactured in large quantities, readily available. 

Most of us already have too much calcium and sodium (salt) in our bodies.

Medicardium EDTA Chelation Suppositories:
A Distinct Advantage

Medicardium EDTA Chelation suppositories have a distinct advantage over both oral  and IV metal detox methods as well!

Medicardium EDTA Chelation Suppositories are convenient!

Oral product disadvantages: metal detox products taken orally can attach to essential nutrient minerals in your digestive tract, making them unavailable and carrying them right out the other end! 

Absorption of oral products for use by the body is 5% or less. This is because oral EDTA is broken down in the digestive system and also because it attaches to nutrient minerals in the digestive tract rather than to toxic metals in the bloodstream and throughout the cells of the body. (Very little, if any, EDTA taken orally gets into the blood stream.

IV method: While this is a good therapy in the right hands and has saved lives, disadvantages include use of needles, large dose of active ingredient that does not persist in the body for more than a few hours, high cost and necessity of a doctors' office visit.

Medicardium EDTA Chelation Suppositories: Are quick, convenient, economical, you can do it at home and they are highly effective. It is well-absorbed (60% or more) by the rich network of veins in the rectal area

medicardium edta chelation suppositories - easy at-home detox

Medicardium EDTA Chelation
Suppositories: Unique!

Medicardium EDTA Chelation Suppositories are a one-of-a-kind formula. Magnesium and potassium alleviate stress, anxiety and body tension, promoting deep relaxation. These minerals (which most of us need MORE of) also have important anti-aging benefits.

One of the reasons Medicardium EDTA Chelation Suppositories have such a relaxing effect is their unique use of Magnesium di-Potassium as a carrier. 

The direct absorption of the magnesium and potassium into the bloodstream re-sets the autonomic nervous system, taking you out of sympathetic mode ('fight-or-flight' - stress) into parasympathetic ('rest and digest'). 

In parasympathetic mode, we feel happier, our bodies can repair and renew, we digest and absorb food better, and can relax to enjoy intimacy and sex.

Many clients tell me that taking Medicardium EDTA Chelation Suppositories helps them get a better sleep. They wake feeling refreshed and with more energy. 

They also remark on a de-stressing effect - they feel calmer, more clear thinking and - happier!

Medicardium EDTA Chelation
Suppositories and Calcification

Calcium Accumulation in the All the Wrong Places Makes Us OLD!

As we age, our bones and teeth lose calcium. 

WHERE does that calcium go..?

It goes into the arteries, muscles, joints and organs - where it doesn't belong!

How Does This Happen?

Every cell is activated by calcium. For example, calcium entering a muscle cell enables contraction. This is a good thing. 


Once the calcium has done its job, the cell has a 'calcium pump' that pushes the calcium out of the cell. The calcium can then go back to a place it belongs, such as the bones. 

As we age, the calcium pumps in our cells become less efficient. The cells have a harder and harder time pumping the used calcium out. Calcium starts to build up in all the places it does not belong. 

Atherosclerosis, muscle stiffness and arthritis are problems of aging resulting from calcium build up in the soft tissues...

Fibromyalgia is an extreme example of the build-up of calcium in the muscles.

The ultimate build up of calcium in soft tissues is rigor mortis, when all the cells are flooded with calcium.

But in the meantime...

Calcium build-up in soft tissues makes us get old and stiff:For example, when calcium builds up in muscle cells, the muscles can't relax; they remain contracted and we become more and more stiff. We can't stretch as well as we used to and often, we are in pain.

Much of arteriosclerosis is due to calcium accumulation in the blood vessels. The resulting rigidity of artery walls makes them less resilient to the pressure of blood pumping through them, and more subject to damage.

Calcium accumulation in the capillaries is especially insidious. Because capillaries can only let blood cells pass through single file, any plaque prevents blood from getting through.

The result is 'micro-strokes' throughout the body, resulting in widespread cell death! Keeping those capillaries free and clear is one of the most important anti-aging measures you can take. 

Even worse conditions include kidney stones, gallstones, calcium deposits in prostate, womens' breasts and even in glands like the pituitary!

In addition, too much calcium in the blood causes an abnormally increased tendency of the blood to clot! This increased viscosity (thickness) of the blood ALSO causes sluggish circulation. 

How do we reverse this aging process?

Medicardium EDTA Chelation
Suppositories Anti-Aging 

How Medicardium EDTA Chelation Suppositories affect aging effects of calcium build up in soft tissues.

First, you need to understand a little about the process of metal detox. 

The various elements such as calcium, magnesium, lead and aluminum have differing atomic weights. Examples of 'heavy' metals are lead, mercury, cadmium and aluminum; all are toxic to the body. 

'Lighter' elements include calcium, zinc, magnesium and selenium; these elements are needed by the body but can become toxic under certain circumstances. When calcium migrates from the bones and teeth into the organs and soft tissues, it becomes a toxic metal - because it doesn't belong there and it is doing harm!

The magnesium/di-potassium EDTA in Medicardium first attaches to calcium, chelating it out of the soft tissues (including the blood). This shifts the calcium balance in the blood, making the body think it has too little calcium. The mechanism to store calcium is activated.

This is exactly what we want...where does the body want to store the calcium removed from the organs and other soft tissues? IN THE BONES AND TEETH!

The EDTA carrying the calcium lets go of the calcium when it bumps into heavier elements such as lead and mercury. The calcium dropped by the EDTA is grabbed by the body and put back in the bones and teeth where it belongs!

Meanwhile, the EDTA keeps hold of the toxic heavy metals and safely carries them out of your body. 

Couldn't ask for more in such an easy-to-use supplement... 

Medicardium EDTA Chelation Suppositories Protocol Guide 


medicardium edta chelation suppositories mercury etc. detox

Ellen Landauer is an expert with over 40 years in-depth study and experience of the safe and effective use of nutritional supplements, botanical extracts and detoxification methods.

She is Certified as an Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration body therapy developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf - also known as Rolfing. This hands-on therapy is the deepest, most comprehensive body alignment therapy. 

Ellen Landauer is also a  PUBLISHED AUTHOR!

To learn more about Ellen Landauer, see her detailed bio HERE


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Medicardium Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA Chelation Suppositories

Medicardium EDTA Chelation suppositories

EDTA is a chelator which also supports circulatory capacity and nitric oxide production. For more info,

Info on Medicardium

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